About Us
Our journey into coffee started in 2015 with a passion for developing the best entry level burr coffee grinder on the market.

That journey has led us grinding over a million pounds of coffee, learning everything we can about brewing, execeptional coffee, and translating our findings into easy to follow content to empower you to transform ordinary coffee rituals into extraordinary daily experiences.




Ground 1,000,000+ lbs of Coffee



Serviced 6,000,000+ Coffee Lovers



Sold 500k Coffee Grinders


Enjoying Coffee

You're addicted to coffee too? Whew! Glad we aren't alone because we write a LOT about coffee!


Cool Beans How to Whip Up Delicious Frozen Coffee

Cool Beans, also known as frozen coffee, are a refreshing and delicious way to enjoy your daily caffeine fix. This icy treat is a popular option for coffee lovers on hot summer ...


Why isnt my whipped coffee getting fluffy

Have you ever tried making whipped coffee at home, only to end up with a disappointing, flat result? It can be frustrating when your whipped coffee doesn't turn out as fluffy as...


Chai Latte Taste Test What's the Real Flavor

Are you a fan of chai lattes but unsure of the different types and flavors available? Learn about everything you need to know about chai lattes, from the ingredients used to the...

About Our Founder

After experiencing his mentor die of a heart aftack just three months short of refirement, Raj felt compelled to challenge conventional ways of thinking. Instead of pushing off happiness to a date that wasn't guaranteed, he decided to start living now.

But with work, relationships, and responsibilities, Raj found it difficult to consistently make time for himself. So instead of adding more, he decided to focus inward and upgrade a ritual he already loved - his daily cup of coffee. Raj stopped rushing his morning brew and instead took time to craft the perfect cup. Suddenly, his ritual became a mindful practice that he looked forward to every Day.

If was an experience that helped him process the stresses of life in a healthy way. If's a ritual that changed Raj's life-so he decided to share it with the world.
coffee routine YourPerfect
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